Pieces from past
As Pankaj (Sekhsaria) and I continued out telephonic chats over the book ( Protected Area (PA) Update – A Compilation ) we discussed how we would break the monotony and make the book interesting. The book, in the first section, moves from one state to another; each of the states was to have information collated from the PA Update. We felt the need to bring in an introduction of sorts to the state. List of PAs was needed but stand-alone it appeared somewhat dry and the pieces (which form the second section) were out of contention since a healthy number focused on the ‘region’ as opposed to a state in particular. A sketch map for each state was agreed upon and then we also decided to cull in ‘historical pieces’ for each state. Together these three (sketch map, list of PAs and the historical piece) would ‘begin’ each state in the book. While the word-limit that we agreed to made me feel, at times, I was doing anything but justice to the piece I loved put in many an afternoon g...