Of animals and people
Title: Animalia Indica: The finest animal stories in Indian literature Edited by: Sumana Roy Illustrations by: Rohan Dahotre Published by: Aleph Book Company Year of publication: 2019 ISBN: 978-93-88292-57-3 Thanks are due to the team at First Post The piece on First Post here Some weeks ago a friend shared a poster bearing a poem and illustration of the elephant. The eight line ‘simple’ poem and the ‘evocatively’ done elephant in water colour touched me like few posters have done. It told me something about elephants, their actions and emotions and – in a way – enabled me to connect with the species. In this it did more than most, if not all, posters on the species that I have come across. Majority of the posters, for example, highlight the pachyderm’s weight, age, height and other statistics including difference between 2 species – African and Asian. The friend and I got on to discuss how good literature – stories and poems – can play a pivot...