Caste in our schools
A taboo in our schools Published at Deccan Herald . Thanks to the team there. Thanks also to Richa for comments on the draft. Caste-based census has been in the news during the recent days. Caste-based violence often gets some space in the news. Caste-based discrimination, however, is too ingrained in our lives to become news. Unless, of course, for example, one of our elite high education institutes faces the brunt! This is what Saniya Roomie and Kapil Joshi had to say in How caste discrimination plagues IITs earlier this year, “ What strikes clear as day is that despite the rising cases, IITs across the country are hesitant to acknowledge the institutionalized casteism within their campuses. This is further cemented by their unserious stance on creating a robust grievance redressal system ”. We also refrain from discussing caste at homes and at schools. Even the British were careful not to topple this proverbial apple-cart. Let us focus on schools here;...