Bihar Museum
Re-defining Museums A day-trip to this amazing place in Patna Some images An art installation at one of the open spaces amidst the buildings An empty gallery A gallery with many visitors - 3,000 turn up each day on an average This may be an island in the city - but one which is connected with its people A 'library' for researchers There was also a 'classroom' - a workshop on traditional Mithila painting in natural colours was underway Staff kept the spaces clean These photos in these frames kept changing The museum has its share of surprises - and they work Like the museum at Allahabad this too has space devoted to the Bideshiyas or the Batoiyas Only this one was more interactive and had technology stamped all over What would happen to our history if Alexander Cunnigham and Huen Tsang were to suddenly disappear? Same that would happen to our lives if tea and coffee went missing? I enjoyed trying my hand at the interactive installati...