
Showing posts from January, 2025

Kedar Nath Singh : Two

Some gems from his poems, Acknowledge the poetry lovers who have created these, put them up on the web,   Me and my fetish for holding hands, resonates here, holding hands is so, so underrated,  The "when" matters, like the "how", Munir Niyazi has also expressed this eloquently,  here ,  Let us never be busy for each other, let the "come" not leave space for " go ",  New days, love, life, hope,  If home comes, can trees be far behind,  We need to be around trees, their majesticity, there is so much there,  There is a lot to learn from the day-to-day, the seemingly small,  And, to keep doing what we believe,  Previous posts on him, here and here , 

Publications: List

Some years of publishing The complete list (updated February 2025)  here Some author pages on the publication sites The Hindu Deccan Herald Teacher Plus First Post The Citizen Vikalp Sangam Raiot JBNHS Roundglass Sustain Scroll The Wire Earth Dialogue The Quint India Hikes Conservation India

Poetry at School

How to teach poetry How do we introduce poetry to students and tell them what it is? Thanks to the team at The Hindu , and of course to Chandni madam.  A few weeks ago, we had organized a session on poetry for teachers. The idea was to delve deeper into poetry and discuss how best we could get children to bond better with it. The session commenced with a song and I began by asking colleagues to recall one or more film songs which, in their understanding, were laden with metaphors. The silence that followed made me wonder where I had erred. I then wrote on the board a few lines from a song to discuss the metaphors it contained. However, the participants found it difficult to connect the metaphors with the song. Most people like and listen to film songs but rarely associate them with metaphors or with any other figures of speech. Someone said that an exercise like this could suck the joy of out of songs. This left me wondering if we connect with metaphors only when we wear our t...