Moving on Rails

Musings on train journeys
Clouds, as if, give the night sky a red hue and hide the stars,
The moon peeps from within and – like someone close – asks
Why don’t you sleep in the open? Weren’t even the warm summers – under the stars – dear then?
As the train tries to cradle me to sleep in the shaky silences,
I ask me: Why? And to the night sky: Can I make amends?
Barren landscape was lovely the last time I rolled on tracks here,
Rains have added that chutzpas: akin to pineapple in a salad,
Green small carpets hide some rocks and bring out the beauty of others,
Sun, as if, acts human and wants to do both: flirt with clouds and play with rocks.
Sights and smells of clouds and rains as the train moves: induce endearing silences ~
Just love(d) getting wet at the door ~
The window brings forth ‘open-ness’ which is as intoxicating now as it was fascinating then: during childhood days ~
Yes: the questions have changed ~
The younger me then pondered: Where do these long and tall high tension wires go? Why do roads and tracks meet again and again and not go parallel?
Today, the young me mulls over: Why are trains not used for education of amazingly diverse facets of our country? What fun it would be to walk off into the unknown – do I do it?
