Glimpses of the South Rajasthan Wilderness
Title: Steed of the Jungle God – Thrilling Experiences in the Wild Author: Raza Tehsin with Arefa Tehsin Illustrations: Sumit Sakuja and Sonal Goyal Publisher: National Book Trust, India First Edition: 2018 Price: 575/- ISBN: 978–8 –237–8145–7 Pages: 142 Number of stories: 20 This Review was published by First Post on 29 th June, 2018 here . Thanks are due to the team at First Post. Steed of the Jungle God: Thrilling experiences in the Wild contains stories of the forests written by someone has put in lot of time in and around them. The author Raza Tehsin is well versed in natural history, loves jungles and like many before him who have done so, retains his humility. These stories, spanning more than half a century, tell us how the natural world around us has changed during the period. The author points out how the scenario prior to Independence was very different; most of the lakes in Mewar were almost full throughout the year, many rivers and nullahs...