Campus: Some Webs


The other day came across cobwebs like I had seldom seen before 

Gardener uncle said this was not a seasonal affair

Was reminded of Ross Perot, 
Life, he said,  is like a cobweb – not an organization chart

Webs along the bark of the neem tree catch its flowers ~ flowers that move with grace of trapeze artist to the background of the stately bark!

मंदिर के बाहर रखी चादर
या धुप में सूखने रखा दुपट्टा!

Customized bottle cover
Or a beloved's embrace!

Mosquito nets placed over plants
Or furniture (like in earlier films) covered in white cloth!


Why do we broom away these webs of life and then 'play' a sanitized version using ropes and standing in circles!

Friends discussing the next prey 
Or weavers talking of the art!

Such fun they appeared to have ~ the myriad flowers, butterflies, spiders, webs, leaves and all their brethren

Can we just put in time with them ~ without trying to figure out what their names are or what they are doing ~ they know what they are up to and are least bothered how about how we call them!

 More on the campus

~ Mushrooms  ~  Flowers  ~ Birds  ~ Trees ~



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