Loving books and bookstores

Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

Author: Satoshi Yagisawa

Translated by: Eric Ozawa

Pages: 169

First Published: 2023


A book after a while

A book which I savoured during a train journey

A book which celebrates books, bookstores, bondings

A book which caught my attention at the Delhi Book Fair

A book which reminded me of HarmonyJaipur Journals, and of course Murakami

A book which underscored how the Japanese authors have mastered the art of simplicity

Thank you Navjeevan Singh

Few glimpses

"No matter where you go, or how many books you read, you still know nothing, you haven't seen anything. And that's life. We live our lives trying to find our way."

"It's only in secondhand books that you can savour encounters like this, connections that transcend time."

It is important to stand still sometimes. Think of it as a little rest in the long journey of your life. This is your harbour. And your boat is just dropping anchor here for a little while. And after you're well rested, you can set sail again.

It was as if, without realizing it, I had opened a door I had never known existed. That's exactly what it felt like.

Dont' be afraid to love someone. When you fall in love, I want you to fall in love all the way. Even if it ends in heartache, please don't live a lonely life without love. Love is wonderful. I don't want you to forget that.
