Green with irony
Pleased to share a piece by me in Hindu Sunday Magazine: Golf the Guzzler. Link to the edited version here . Few days ago, flipping the pages of a recent issue of Sanctuary Asia I read of how despite opposition the power brokers managed to turn the Salim Ali National Park into a Golf Course. Further reading brought forth that 4,000 odd trees were cut in what was once home to bears and hanguls, besides other species. We may never adequately understand the ecological and economic impacts of destroying not only a unique habitat for wildlife but also a catchment for Dal Lake. All this for a miniscule proportion of our population and that too when Gulmarg already had a Golf Course. Commons meant for use by many, destroyed so that few could indulge in what G K Chesterton referred to as ‘an expensive way to play marbles’. Intrigued, I delved deeper and realized that neither was the Golf Course in Jammu and Kashmir an exception nor was the issue a recent one. Besides, the Golf Cou...